Though this be madness, yet there is method in 't.

This is Kronborg Slot, also known as Elsinore Castle... the setting for Shakespeare's Hamlet. It has a very prominent and impressive setting on a peninsula that juts out into the sound, and Sweden is only 4km away across the strait. I imagine it served its toll collecting purpose rather well.

A view of the vast interior courtyard.

Its hard to really get a sense of the place from the ground... there are layers of interesting arrow- or diamond-shaped ramparts and walls, surrounded by a moat. Follow this link for an overhead view.

We must have spent an hour or so walking around the exterior and checking out the earthworks.

The interiors were far less ornate than at Frederiksborg, but the chapel was interesting.

This vast ballroom was pretty cool. In our typical pattern of eking out every last tourist minute from the day, we arrived at the castle near closing time. We had to hurry a bit to see the interiors, but there was literally *no one* there which was a nice change from the very crowded Frederiksborg. We could run up and down the ballroom like idiots and not bother anybody. I am in there somewhere... just very tiny.
Labels: N. Europe 05
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