Sickness Country

On this morning we drove south out of the park, with a stop at the Yurmikmik area to do the Boulder Creek walk. The hills in this part of the park contain a fair bit of uranium, and the Aborigines named the area "sickness country", (long before anyone thought of mining the stuff) which indicates they had some notion of the potential dangers here.
This fun swingy bridge was at the beginning of the trial.

We stopped at this beautiful area to take a break and eat our picnic lunch. I think the scale of the rocks is hard to read in this image, but the fact that there is a guy sitting in the deep shade on the left should help.

We didn't jump in for a swim; it was pretty cold, but sticking our feet in was nice and refreshing. Try not to be blinded by our glowing white nerd-flesh.

We saw this awesome snake on the highway outside of the park. Its coloring strongly suggests Black-Headed Python, though it seems too slender.

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