Our backyard essentially faces Griffith Park and the observatory, though the view is mostly obscured by trees. This picture was taken a little ways down our hill, around 4pm on the day of the fire.

We walked down to the reservoir to watch the helicopters fill up for their water drops.

The helicopters can snorkel up 1000 gallons in only a couple of minutes, which meant they didn't stay long. Since Darrin was shooting video and I had Pooka with me, I had to take this picture one handed, while hanging on to a squirmy parrot with the other hand, through a chain link fence, at some ridiculously slow exposure since it was getting dark. This is the only picture remotely in focus.

There were five helicopters making the trip most of the night.

As the sun set, the fire really began to pick up.

If you compare this picture, taken the next morning, to the first image, you can see how much is gone.
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