Sunday, March 05, 2006

I really haven't fallen off the edge of the earth.

I haven't posted in a while for a couple of reasons. First, the Olympics were on, and Darrin and I are massive Olympics junkies and have tivo'd every last hour of it (except the hockey). In fact, its still the Olympics here in the casa, and probably will be for a few more months until we've managed to get through all of it. Don't tell me what happened. Second, I was sick for a week with some awful stomach flu or food poisoning, so the first few days worth of Olympics coverage passed for me in a bit of a haze. In fact, stomach flu and the 2006 winter Olympics will probably remain forever linked in my mind, since it seemed half the athletes were also coming down with the stomach flu at the same time. I kept imagining, in my dehydrated delirium, that there was some kind of Typhoid Mary working in the Olympic village cafeteria, gleefully infecting all the athletes stopping by for their big plates of pasta before heading off to the biathelon, or the downhill. The reporters seemed to like to talk about it, too... and Evan Lysacek's description of barfing on the bus on the way back to the village made me, uh, queasy with empathy. Anyway, food and I seem to be friends again, and otherwise things are returning to normal, so more pictures to come.

Oh, and this picture was taken near Elsinore Castle.
