Nibble Nobby's Nuts!

Nobbys appears to be the most popular brand of nuts in Australia, and you could find these handy packets at any gas station or grocery store in the country. I like their extremely silly slogan.

We decided to spend the morning exploring Gregory National Park, a large and little visited area of escarpments and gorges sitting in the transitional zone between tropical and semi-arid climates. We hit only the easily accessible stops (right off the highway) but saw absolutely no one. Imagine the seclusion you would enjoy if you had a 4WD and camping gear.

This is a Short-eared Rock Wallaby; one of a pair that we felt pretty lucky to have seen. It was fairly late in the morning, but they weren't too shy and let us have a good luck. This was the only place we saw this species.

Some fossilized ripples, from the time when this area was under water. The piece on the left, if you were to flip it over, would fit neatly into the piece on the right.

Here we are at the top of the escarpment. The highway and a little piece of the Victoria River is visible in the background.
Labels: Aus 06
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