"Such a fine sight to see..."

In the morning we stopped at Walnut Canyon National Monument to look at some cliff dwellings built by the Sinaqua Indians around 1000 years ago.

This gives you some idea of the setting... all along the sides of the canyon, tucked into the crevices, were rooms like those above; over 300 of them.

Bashas' Cola!

Next stop was meteor crater, which rises out of a fairly featureless plateau, and is nearly a mile across. The meteorite that created it was around 150 feet long, and the largest surviving fragment they've found is only about 24 inches long (though it weighs 1800 pounds.) They apparently only decided for sure that it was an impact crater (as opposed to something volcanic) in 1960 (!). As always, click on the picture to make it bigger.

Gotta take one of these.

We stopped for the night at La Posada, a historic hotel in Winslow, Arizona that was built in 1930 by the Fred Harvey company as part of their great series of railway hotels. Mary Colter was the architect. Its really beautiful.

Dinner was grilled chicken with tomatillo sauce in the Turquoise room.
P.S. Winslow has a statue and mural dedicated to that song, which I now have running endlessly through my head.
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