Pooka: 1 Duckie: 0

This is (or was) Pooka's favorite new toy. At first she seemed charmed by its cute little beak and staring eyes. She would kiss it and solicit head scratchies from the duckie, but before long it became The Enemy, and brought out a malicious side we haven't seen before. The moment she saw or heard it, she would run as fast as her little legs would carry her so she could bite the living daylights out of it, or fling it across the bathroom. She seemed thrilled by the fact that it would cry out in agony each time she chomped on it (until she pulled out the squeaker). Then she began to methodically decapitate the poor thing... this morning she was at last successful.
Here are some action shots:

And here she is, the huntress standing tall and proud over her kill.
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