At least the birds think its Spring.
The weather here in L.A. has been decidedly un-spring-like lately, but that hasn't stopped some hummingbirds from building a nest in our backyard.
These images are frame grabs from a webcam we've set up to watch them. The video camera is looking through one of our (very old) windows, and its really dark, so there is a fair bit of distortion, but you can basically see whats going on. In the background of the images you can see a chain-link fence... that should give you an idea of the scale of the nest. Its about the size of half a ping-pong ball.

There is one egg in the lower portion of the nest, and one baby above the egg. Its there, I promise.

Mum's feeding the baby, who is around one day old, maybe two. You can see its beak and giant bulgy eye pretty well.
These images are frame grabs from a webcam we've set up to watch them. The video camera is looking through one of our (very old) windows, and its really dark, so there is a fair bit of distortion, but you can basically see whats going on. In the background of the images you can see a chain-link fence... that should give you an idea of the scale of the nest. Its about the size of half a ping-pong ball.

There is one egg in the lower portion of the nest, and one baby above the egg. Its there, I promise.

Mum's feeding the baby, who is around one day old, maybe two. You can see its beak and giant bulgy eye pretty well.
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